Fundraising event : 07/09/2013

The Brix
St Matthews
Brixton, SW2 1JF

Do you know how sexual abuse can affect the adult survivor?
Would you like to know how to support those affected?

Daughter ARISEis having its first awareness event to highlight how sexual abuse devastates lives and how it impacts on life choices including relationships that lead to emotional and physical abuse. Other topics covered are; how to teach your children about protecting their bodies and boundaries, how to support loved ones and an introduction to Daughter ARISE, the organisation. This event will be hosted by Yvonne Ellis; Author of the hope inspiring autobiography Daughter ARISE who will be answering questions on this difficult but taboo subject.

Come along and join us for an informative but inspiring afternoon on:
Saturday 7th September at The Brix, St Matthews, Brixton SW2 1JF
from 1.30pm - 5.00pm

We will be having afternoon tea with a 'cakes from around the world' theme, speakers, performances, and a chance to win a lovely prize in our raffle!
Tickets for this event are just £8.00 per person (plus a small booking fee) all inclusive for the above! Buy tickets.

Please note that this event is strictly for people 13 years old and upwards who have purchased a ticket. Due to capacity restrictions, we are unable to accommodate accompanying children. Only 1 person per ticket. There is a "No ticket, no entry" policy on the day.

There will be table top sales for you to purchase small items. So if you have not purchased a signed copy of Yvonne's book now would be a great time to do it!

All proceeds from this event will go towards funding the work Daughter ARISE is doing with survivors of abuse. The aim of Daughter ARISE is to support vulnerable girls and women rebuild their lives by offering resources that will educate and empower them to deal with the challenges they face so they can have hope in believing a promising future.

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